Saturday 16 July 2016

Former US Intelligence Director reveals that laptops recovered from jihadis contain 80% porn

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, an ex-chief of the Defence Intelligence Agency has revealed that laptops seized from ISIS jihadis are filled up to 80 per cent with porn films. Writing in German newspaper, Bild, Flynn said:
'We looked a ruthless enemy in the eye - women and children, girls and boys, raped and exploited, the beheadings stored on a laptop next to pornography. 'At one point we actually had determined that the material on the laptops was up to 80 per cent pornography. 'These sick, psychopathic enemies were not only unimaginably hideous, but also treacherous and torn. We had to work faster to outwit them if we wanted to beat them.'
It's not the first time a top western politician has linked Islamic extremists with pornography.
Last year, former London mayor Boris Johnson said that homegrown fanatics from the UK who go to join ISIS are w*****s who watch porn because they can't find girlfriends.

He said young men are turning to jihadism in order to feel good about themselves after growing frustrated in their efforts to get along with women.

Speaking at the time, Mr Johnson said:
'If you look at all the psychological profiling about bombers, they typically will look at porn. They are literally w*****s'.

It has also been reported that the 9/11 jihadists visited strip clubs, paid for lap dances, and for prostitutes in motel rooms in Boston, Las Vegas and Florida before the attacks.

Source: UK Mirror

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