Friday 15 July 2016

Woman who lost her eight-month old baby in chaos of Nice terror attack is reunited with him after a facebook appeal

An eight-month-old baby boy lost in the chaos after a truck rammed into a crowd in the French Riviera city of Nice killing at least 84 people was tracked down through Facebook today.

A concerned friend, Tiava Banner, sent out an appeal on Facebook looking for any information on the whereabouts of the child who had been lost in a blue stroller when the rampaging truck sent hundreds fleeing in panic as they watched Bastille Day fireworks. The Facebook post read:
“We have lost BB 8 months. Nice friends if you’ve seen him if you were there if you have collected please contact me!!!!!”
The post was shared at least 22,000 times until it was updated with:
"Found! Thank you Facebook to all those who have helped us and sent messages of support (I won't answer to all really sorry)!!!!!!!Stop the calls and messages - no interview. (Precision: I'm not the mother of the baby) Other members of the family are hospitalized. No comment more. Thank you.In Prayer for my family and all the families of the victims.

A member of the family contacted by AFP on Today said:
“A young woman found him and took him home with her. She then went online and found the photo of the baby on Facebook. The woman then contacted the baby’s parents"

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